🤑 Earn

Here, we will be listing our partners and other websites available for $XPAST to earn alternative tokens.

Bouje Finance

We have a first official partnership with an OG Bouje Finance!

They have provided with a single staking pool that can stake $XPAST and earn $BOUJE LIVE NOW!

We would also be providing them with a pool on Xmas Past! https://bouje.finance/pools

Baker Guild (Completed)

Our second official partnership with Baker Guild! They have provided with a single staking pool that can stake $XPAST and earn $BAKER LIVE NOW!

You can stake there now! https://bakerguild.com/#/stakings

Olive Cash Fantom

Our third official partnership with Olive Cash!

They have provided with a $XPAST-FTM staking pool that can stake and earn $fOlive LIVE NOW!

You can stake there now! https://fantom.olive.cash/farms

Cougar Swap

Our fourth official partnership with Cougar Swap!

They have provided with a $XPAST staking pool that can stake and earn $CGS LIVE NOW!

You can stake here now! https://fantomapp.cougarswap.io/nests

Last updated